SpaceBruby Alpha has Landed

We are happy to announce that an early alpha version of a Spacebrew library for ruby is in the works. It has been dubbed SpaceBruby by Chris Allick the lead developer on this effort. The library is available from GSPB Beta Group's github repositoryThanks Chris for taking the time and effort to start this endeavor.

This library is still in early alpha, which means that it has very basic functionality and there is no documentation or examples. Don't let that stop you from taking it for a spin. Also, feel free to help carry the torch and take this library from its current state to a more polished resource. ​

pySpacebrew Library with Examples and Docs


Earlier this weekend we finished creating the example sketches and initial documentation for the pySpacebrew library. This library, which was contributed by Adam Mayer, makes it easy to connect pythons scripts and applications to Spacebrew. You can download the library and example scripts from github. Check-out the readme file and the examples to get up and running quickly.

Similar to the Spacebrew.js and ofxSpacebrew libraries, we’ve included four example sketches in the pySpacebrew repo. One for each of the three standard data types, and the fourth one featuring a custom data type. These core examples will be actively maintained along with the library itself. Here is a brief overview of each one.

  • The string example is a simple stripped down chat app
  • The range sketch functions like a console-based slider/potentiometer
  • The boolean script turns the enter/return key into a toggles switch
  • The custom data example functions like a virtual dice

We’ve been using this library for a few months now, especially when working with Raspberry Pis. Here are links to other projects and explorations where we’ve used this library:

  • The Raspberry Pi Experiments repo contains sketches that show how to control LED strips and Servos connected to a Raspberry Pi via Spacebrew.
  • The Open CV Motion Sensor repo features an advanced client/sensor application that uses cameras to detect motion – this app can be run on a full-fledge computer or a Pi.

Please note that these two apps are not maintained actively along with the pySpacebrew library. This means that they may not feature the very latest version of the pySpacebrew library. With that in mind, make sure to refer to the example sketches and documentation in the library’s own repository when creating your own apps.

Try out the pySpacebrew library and send us your feedback. We'd also love to hear more information about whatever you create.